Award Winning Author
KB Carlisle
Stories that evoke a sense of home while carrying an air of magic captivate me as a dreamer. Wherever the ordinary people find their strength in the face of the unknown is where I find myself most drawn, because that is where nature and the extraordinary meet. Just like me in real life, my characters often argue about resilience and connection. Writing is my way of discovering the world’s mysteries, finding meaning in its beauty, and inviting readers to do the same with me.
The Emergence
The Book of Rose
In a world transformed by magic, Rose must navigate the delicate balance between her mysterious powers and the secrets of her past. Her journey is one of resilience, growth, and discovering the strength to face the thorns of her destiny.
The Dreams of Gemini
Twins Dez and Riah share a bond deeper than blood, entwined with powers they must keep hidden from a world that fears the extraordinary. As they uncover the truths of their heritage, their courage is tested in ways that could reshape their lives—and the world around them.
The Blog
K.B. Carlisle
I create worlds that don’t make sense and characters that don’t listen to me.